PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI The Antichrist is going to create a system that will make it absolutely impossible for anyone to buy and sell without getting his mark. It is going to be an economic siege. The world, as it is, is run by money. No entity is placed at par with God apart from Mammon.… Continue reading Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (Vi)
Tag: prosperity
Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (V)

Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (V) PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI PROVERBS 28:8-20 If we don’t settle the issue of money and how it is handled, every other thing can fall out of order.Our attitude towards finance will determine a lot about our right standing with God. REVELATION 3:7-10 Our inability to know where God… Continue reading Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (V)
Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (Iv)

Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (Iv) PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI There is a warfare that we are coming into that will catch many believers unawares. The warfare would be economic in nature. We need to learn how to take the word of God from the Church and apply it to every compartment of our… Continue reading Prosperity In The Light Of Endtime Prophecy (Iv)

PROSPERITY IN THE LIGHT OF ENDTIME PROPHECIES (III) PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI If we must escape the imminent economic crash in these end times as believers, there has got to be a paradigm shift in our value system. There will have to be drastic adjustment in our lifestyles. Entrepreneurs don’t create wealth; it takes banks to… Continue reading PROSPERITY IN THE LIGHT OF ENDTIME PROPHECIES (III)

PROSPERITY IN THE CONTEXT OF ENDTIME PROPHECIES PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI GENESIS 4:9-17 All the resources that man needs for survival are embedded in the earth. After Cain killed his brother Abel God cursed the earth for his sake. Previously in Eden, God had cursed the ground when Adam fell. God did not make the mistake… Continue reading PROSPERITY IN THE CONTEXT OF ENDTIME PROPHECIES