War in the Heavenlies

[biblegateway passage=”Revelation 12:1-10″ display=”Revelation 12:1-10″]

The whole episode rendered in the text was referred to as a great wonder in heaven. Satan who is referred to as the old serpent is also referred to as the dragon. The root word for ‘sign’ is defined as a specific, unusual happening that defiles natural law and is bound to happen. Hence, there is a significant difference between signs and miracles. This drama epitomises the struggle of the church, it pictures the process that the church must go through before she can be entrusted with the dominion mandate. The real warfare of the kingdom is the warfare in the heavenly. Rest is not the absence of adversity but operating in rest in the midst of adversity is from an understanding that God is with you. There will be no miracles without challenges but there is an assurance that the word of God will never fail. 

At the fall of man, the serpent was cursed to feed on dust which is the ignorance of man. The only way to overcome the dragon is to starve him. God is waiting on the church to starve the dragon to death by shaking off the dust (ignorance and fallen nature). When you do not exist in ignorance, you starve the dragon and overcome him. Crucifying the flesh is shaking off the dust. If we crucify the flesh we will overcome the dragon. Our warfare has nothing to do with senseless prayers against physical enemies  The church sometimes make the mistake of preserving the real enemy while we raise prayers against ordinary humans. We need illumination to know who the real enemy is. 

There are angels with you through adversities to put endurance and capacity in you to grow through it. There are certain things that God wants to do but until the fire (of adversity) is ignited it cannot be manifested. The word ‘Michael’ means ‘who is like the Lord’. He comes to help the church fulfil the high calling. Michael does not arise in battle until the church presses towards becoming like God. He comes to shut down the dragon therefore the church must press towards becoming like God. There are certain dimensions in God that the limitation of man cannot hinder. There are also certain dimensions in God that the demons cannot decode.

The feminine status and quality are often attributed to the church in scriptures. This means we are inbuilt with the spiritual capacity to bring forth after God’s kind. We can carry the divine nature in our spiritual womb in order to birth forth the life and nature of God. If the church does not bring forth the divine nature, then the church will fail in things which matter the most. He has built in us the capacity to produce after his kind. As we behold God, we absorb the essence of Him. 

The feminine tendency of the church also equips her with the consciousness of the need for chastity. We are called to keep ourselves. The essence of our consecration is to experience spiritual consummation. 

[biblegateway passage=”Luke 3:37-38″ display=”Luke 3:37-38″] – Adam had the capacity to represent God. He had the capacity to enforce dominion mandate. Adam was not the fullness of God because he failed but restoration was made in Christ Jesus, hence we can come into the fullness. [biblegateway passage=”Ephesians 5:25-27″ display=”Ephesians 5:25-27″] – Christ has given himself to the church for redemption.  The new birth is not the end of salvation. We must never lose out on the knowledge that God has intended for our redemption. God wants to receive glory through what becomes of us ([biblegateway passage=”Ephesian 5:27″ display=”Ephesian 5:27″]), that is the end he has in view. Satan will not sit and watch nations get liberated. But we are the saviours that will bring liberation upon the church. [biblegateway passage=”Matthew 25:2″ display=”Matthew 25:2″]

[biblegateway passage=”Luke 13:20 – 21″ display=”Luke 13:20 – 21″]-The three measures of meal are the tripartite nature of man and the leaven is eternal life that has been planted in your spirit. Warfare is internal and not external. The territory we are asked to possess is our soul. The sin nature is the battle we must fight. We come into the greatest prosperity when we begin to think less of ourselves.

[biblegateway passage=”Psalms 84:11″ display=”Psalms 84:11″], [biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 15:41″ display=”1 Corinthians 15:41″], We have to walk uprightly before we can be entrusted with authority. 2 Corinthians 5:1-2 -The world dissolve means to overthrow. We cannot step into the glory of the father until the flesh is overthrown. We must be resolute that the dimension that limits us must give way. We must sigh and respond to the cry of the Spirit through prayer, then the glory will come. The purpose of our warfare is that mortality will give way over us. 

The glory of the father only rests on His nature. If the nature of the father is not incorporated into us, His glory will not come upon us. [biblegateway passage=”1 John 4:6″ display=”1 John 4:6″], [biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 1:1-2 – 3″ display=”Hebrews 1:1-2 – 3″]

Love is the nature of God and Christ Jesus is the image of the father. He is the brightness of the father’s glory. The glory and person (character) goes together.  If the character is not formed, there is no glory. [biblegateway passage=”Galatians 2:20″ display=”Galatians 2:20″] – The faith of the Son of God does not come by claim or by knowledge, it comes through consecration. As we die to self, the image of Jesus is ingrained in our souls. 

[biblegateway passage=”Revelation 12:1-5″ display=”Revelation 12:1-5″]

There is no government without order. Divine government starts internally. As a Christian, you must understand the ‘No’ of the spirit and your life must be governed by the word of God.  Without prayer, there can be no birthing. Our desire to know Him must be processed through prayer. Pain and travail are indications that you are a chosen vessel. God through trials prepares us for the glory ahead. When you come into maturity you can handle the rod; the government of God.  As we mature into sonship, dominion is entrusted to us. There is a formation of the stature of sin. The dragon itself symbolizes the antichrist. [biblegateway passage=”Matthew 24:12 ” display=”Matthew 24:12″] – The dragon speaks of subtlety and deception. Every time the enemy triggers compromise, his aim is lawlessness which causes the love of many to wax cold. Lawlessness in the church compromise the atmosphere and that is the operation of the enemy.  The essence of our warfare is that we come into alignment with God. The essence of been established on the rock is to cause adjustment, yielding and shifting.

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