Kingdom Front-liners

25th October, 2020

Ministering: Pastor (Mrs.) Bola Osanyinbi


Kingdom Front-Liners are people that God Himself has elected, chosen, and separated for His own. God used His prerogative as the Sovereign God to choose us out of so many and placed His authority over us (John 15: 16). Front-liners are not ordinary, they are brave because as one chosen by God, there are a lot of virtues placed in them.

John 15:16

Paul was a man deliberately chosen by God. He is always seen as a front-liner. He did not allow anybody to put him down. He was so determined despite all he went through. According to the scriptures, the front-liners were not doing things to satisfy themselves, they were doing it for the sake of the kingdom, for the sake of Christ. According to Romans 16, we saw how those men worked together so that the fruit of God will abide. Those men were walking in partnership, they were not working alone. There is no way you will work alone and be successful in this kingdom. If you want to be a front liner, you have to hand over your life totally unto the Lord, just as Paul did. We have to deny ourselves so many things so that the purpose of God can be achieved.

Mark 8:34

Denying yourself means surrendering yourself, giving the totality of our life to someone (Christ). We must deliberately key into His desire for us. As a child of God, we must leave certain things and come to the Lord. There must be a change, there must be a switch. We cannot continue in the old way nor live those old lives anymore, because someone has chosen us. We have been chosen, called to follow the Lord and Christ is our example. Paul saw so many things in Christ that made him stand, even willing to die for the sake of Christ.

For the sake of the gospel, there should be a shift in our paradigms because we are the representatives of Christ. What Christ did is what we should do. We as children of God that have been chosen should not be quiet about the things of God.

Mark 8:35

It is high time we release ourselves to the Lord. It is not always easy, but Christ has made it easy, if only we will learn to follow Him. You cannot help yourself except you embrace the ability, the grace of God that has been made available. You cannot be a front-liner without the grace of God. Doing it on your own, by your own strength will make you give up and get tired easily. The grace of God has been made sufficient. Beyond our own expectations, beyond our own power, grace has been made available.

Front-liners are people that have listening ears. They hear the word of the Lord. They hear instructions. They know and hear what the Spirit is saying. The Lord reveals Himself so that we can change and manifest His glory.


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