[biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 1:4-9″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 1:4-9″];

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The First Gift in the Church is Christ. The world will not come to the full realization of the Christ until the Church comes into the full manifestation of Him. The Father cannot be known until Christ is known. God is first our God before He is our Father. Testimony is the evidence of a certain fact or truth. It demystifies things that have been hid for some time. The Testimony of God is summed up in the person of Christ. It is the life of God. The Testimony has come to reveal the Father.

The Testimony of God can be subdivided into: The Testimony of Man (Moses); The Testimony of Christ; and The Testimony of God.

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The Testimony of Moses was critical in the history of man. The law emanated from Moses’ encounter with God and it gave rules and regulations that the Israelites could go by. It was an indication that God was the controller of His people. However, we must, in the New Testament, ensure that we don’t obey the law of man at the expense of God’s commandments.

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The Testimony of Christ brings us into the prophetic. We must not run away from the prophetic. It is an evidence that Christ rules in our lives. The Spirit of Christ makes us orderly, coordinated and submit to Divine ruler-ship. The manifestation of the Spirit of Christ is for the profiting of all that care to partake in it.

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[biblegateway passage=”ISAIAH 8:16 ” display=”ISAIAH 8:16″]

The Testimony of God is Christ. It had to become flesh in order to dwell among men. We, as followers of Christ, are expected to become God’s testimonies too. We are unpleasant testimonies of God when we behave in ways that repel people from Christ. The Testimony of God helps us to grow in grace into the image of the Son of God.

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