The Oracle V

Pastor Sola Ogidan

[biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 13 : 1 – 13″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 13 : 1 – 13″]

Love is the real essence of God because, God Himself is love ( [biblegateway passage=”1 John 4 : 8″ display=”1 John 4 : 8″] ). So, however you choose to describe God, you would be making light of His Person if you do not consider the aspect of love.

If there’s anything we as believers are supposed to give utmost attention to, it is the matter of love. If God is love, then we can truly be sons of God if we are also sons of love. Thus, walking in love equates walking in perfection (1 Corinthians 13: 1 – 8).

[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 13: 8 – 13″ display=”1 Corinthians 13: 8 – 13″]

Many persons have erroneously interpreted the scripture to mean that the time for tongues has passed but what it actually says is that tongues (as part of the listed imperfections) can only be done away with when that which is perfect comes (v8 – 10).

Despite the prophecies and knowledge, we are still in the state of imperfection (v8). The state of imperfection is characterized by the state of seeing darkly and knowing in part. But in the perfect state, we would no longer be seeing darkly, but with clarity of vision, something Paul referred to as “seeing face-to-face”.

God is perfect and He is in a perfect state. This is why He alone has complete knowledge of us and all things even in a way that we do not yet know. [biblegateway passage=”Philippians 3 : 12 ” display=”Philippians 3 : 12″]

There is an understanding of God concerning us that we don’t have yet and a kind of man that Christ has already concluded us to be that we have not yet become. The essence of our Christian walk is to strive to come to this same reality that God has concluded as far as we are concerned. If we do not come to that place, then it means that we have not have achieved the full agenda of God for us.

[biblegateway passage=”Numbers 12:7″ display=”Numbers 12:7″]

The fact that God said Moses communicated with Him face-to-face did not mean that Moses actually saw the face of God ([biblegateway passage=”Exodus 33:20″ display=”Exodus 33:20″]). What God meant was that there was no intermediary between the two of them and the words of God to Moses were spoken in clear expressions and not in dark speeches.

What God is bringing to us in the New Testament and in the fullness of His agenda for us is that we can come into the dimension of the same reality (seeing God face-to-face), not in the same way that Moses saw, but in a much higher dimension. We are going to see God face-to-face, and we are going to know as we are known.

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 4:12-13″ display=”Hebrews 4:12-13″]

As far as God is concerned, everything is bare, and there is no creature that is not manifested in His sight. God sees into everything and nothing is hidden from Him. Hence, if God says that a time will come that we are going to know as we are known (seeing as God sees), [biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 13: 12″ display=”1 Corinthians 13: 12″], then we also must have whatever it is that makes God to see the way He sees.

If we are going to come into the reality of this (if God is going to bring us to a capacitated state where we can have access to the knowledge He also has), then, God must equip us to see as He sees. God will need to upgrade the kind of eyes with which we see to His kind, so we can see as He sees.

[biblegateway passage=”Revelations 4 : 2 – 5″ display=”Revelations 4 : 2 – 5″]; [biblegateway passage=”Revelations 5 : 6″ display=”Revelations 5 : 6″]

From Revelation 4, we see that the Bible talks about seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which it referred to as the seven Spirits of God. Likewise, in Revelation 5, we see the Lamb described as having seven horns and seven eyes which were also referred to as the seven Spirits of God. In other words, the eyes of God actually refer to the seven Spirits of God. This is why the seven Spirits are always before the throne.

[biblegateway passage=”Romans 8 : 15 – 16″ display=”Romans 8 : 15 – 16″]

There is a testimony of our spirit that says we are children of God, and the Holy Spirit comes to confirm and establish the testimony of our spirit. The Lamb was equipped with the same Spirit that God had because He had seven horns and seven eyes, which were also the seven Spirits of God (God’s instruments for seeing). That was why the Lamb could take the book and open the seal; the Lamb understood the language of the writing because He could see it.

Isaiah 11 : 1 – 2

The Person being described here is not just Jesus of Nazareth, but the resurrected Lord. This is the same that was referred to in Revelations 5:6 as the Lamb. If the Lamb (Christ) talked about in the book of Revelations had seven Spirits (the eyes of the Lord) and the same Lamb was described in the book of Isaiah to have the same seven Spirits mentioned there, then by comparison, we can say that the eyes of the Lord are actually the seven Spirits of God mentioned in the book of Isaiah (chapter 11).

[biblegateway passage=”Zechariah 4 : 1 – 10″ display=”Zechariah 4 : 1 – 10″], [biblegateway passage=”Ephesians 1 : 15 – 17″ display=”Ephesians 1 : 15 – 17″]

Paul didn’t just impart the Ephesian Church with the knowledge of God, but actually prayed for them concerning the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. This means that the true knowledge of God is inaccessible outside the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Anyone with these two spirits has been equipped with the capacity (the apparatus) to see God to an extent (1Corinthians 2 : 9).

[biblegateway passage=”Ephesians 3: 14 – 16″ display=”Ephesians 3: 14 – 16″]

Here He talks about the Spirit of might. It is still the Holy Ghost finding expressions in seven different dimensions.

[biblegateway passage=”1 John 3:2″ display=”1 John 3:2″]

The reason why we are not seeing God as He is now is because of the kind of eyes we have now. God will never appear to all; He will only appear to those who have what it takes to see Him.

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 9: 28″ display=”Hebrews 9: 28″]

This appearing of Christ here is a spiritual appearance and it is not for all, but for only those who have eyes.

In essence, when the seven Spirits of God are operational in us, then, the perfect is come. In this state, there wouldn’t be any knowing in part, because anyone who has the seven Spirits of God knows all that God knows.

If God had it in His plan that the Ephesian Church would have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, then it is still part of God’s plan that we have the same Spirit of wisdom and revelation. God wants us to have His eyes, and when they are fully operational in the Church, we would be able to know and see Him fully. This is the dimension of the operation of the seven Spirits of God where everything is made bare (plain).

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