The Glory of the Kingdom


Ministering: Pastor Bola Jayeola

John 3:1-6
If you are born again, you will have the ability to see or understand the kingdom of God. There is the seeing and there is the ability to enter the kingdom. It is not enough for us to see the kingdom; we need to enter and engage it. Your experience of becoming born again is what affords you the opportunity of comprehending the kingdom but you need to have the experience of entering the kingdom.
1 John 1:1
It is not enough to have understanding; you must have the reality of what this understanding is about.
When God created the first man, there was a glory that was given to him and there was an honour that was attached to him (Genesis 1:26). This was also replicated in Jesus (Hebrews 2:5). The sin of Adam affected the glory that was given to us, so Jesus had to come in the form of Adam to be able to restore what the first Adam lost.
Exodus 16:2-11
One of the first sights of the glory of God was seen in the wilderness when the Israelites murmured against Moses because of food. Yes, the Lord came for them but we must not be quick to think that the glory of God is only about material things. The glory of God is far beyond material things; the Israelites’ experience in Exodus 20:19ff perfectly explains this. The Israelites drew back from the glory of God because of the position of their hearts and from that point, they began to fail.
Exodus 24:12ff
An experience that was supposed to be for the whole congregation was what only Moses enjoyed because of the inability of the people to stay. They couldn’t pay the sacrifice of being priests that God intended to raise them to be. To experience the glory of God, there is a need to be without food and water but that was too much for the Israelites to bear.
On Moses’ return from the mountain, he threw away the tablet that took him forty days and forty nights to get all because of anger but God was gracious enough to ask him to come for another tablet (Exodus 34:1ff). The God the Israelites couldn’t approach was the same God whose glory Moses beheld. Beholding the glory of God does not come at no cost. However, no man can encounter the glory of God and remain the same. The glory of God has indelible impression on man’s spirit, soul and body.

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