Pastor Osanyinbi Oluwaseyi
[biblegateway passage=”Proverbs 2.vs. 1-end.” display=”Proverbs 2.vs. 1-end.”]
Solomon was teaching us the different characteristics of this path, and he said so much about how to live and a lot of counsels were given. For some of us, there are many reasons why we don’t listen to counsels, and one of such reasons, is being an adult. This has really been a problem to many of us, as we have forsaken many counsels because we feel we can take care of ourselves as adults.
God does not give advice, He gives commandments, and commandments are to be obeyed. The major problem we have in the church is that we look, yet we do not see, and cannot even interpret what we see.
[biblegateway passage=”Mark 4 vs 12″ display=”Mark 4 vs 12″]
One can walk in anointing and that does not mean you know God. Understanding is key in all we do with God. Anytime we come to church and we cannot take anything concrete away, we have only wasted our time.
[biblegateway passage=”Proverbs 2:4-5″ display=”Proverbs 2:4-5″]
The procedure is, if you will seek, then, God will respond. We have to seek, before God can respond. He does not respond to casual asking. He wants to know if you are desperate.
A woman came to Jesus asking Him to have Mercy on her but Jesus did not answer her because he was activating the scripture. Even then, His disciples faced him and told him the woman was seeking his attention but he said it is not meet to give the children’s bread to dogs. For some of us, we would have given up, but the woman did not give up. She gave an answer that showed how desperate she was about what she asked.
[biblegateway passage=”Matthew 15:21-28″ display=”Matthew 15:21-28″]
Matthew also says, blessed are they which thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. How desperate are we to really seek God? We need hunger and thirst to seek God.
God will preserve the way of the Saints. Not everybody can accept wisdom, because wisdom by its nature, exercises authority over your life, and not everybody likes to be discipled. Some people cannot even stand people excersing authority over them.
Wisdom rests in the heart of him that has understanding. Understanding and wisdom are not the same. We may get to a place where we feel we don’t need God but that’s not the true picture. Verse 11 says discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee. Understanding is needed in following God.
And in verse, 16-19, This a spirit, not about a feminine, even a man can carry this spirit. And it is one of the most dangerous Spirits. Anyone who finds himself or herself here cannot return, except Heaven intervenes. Fornication is one of the things that sweep people away and they never return, because of the kind of Spirit associated with it.
As regards the evil man and the strange woman being talked about here, the only antidote is wisdom, and if you cry for it, God will give you.Those demons are still strong as ever before. People play down on the devil, they take the Devil for granted. The say who is Satan? Satan has been in this business for thousands of years, and he knows what he is doing, but we thank God for Jesus who won the Victory for us.
Satan can turn your Christianity against you and that’s why we need wisdom and we must seek for it as if we are asking for silver and gold. The Kingdom of God is hidden, we have to seek for it, we must work to get things from God.
We can learn a lot of things from reading Spiritual books, rather than spend time with social media networks. We should endeavor to buy the truth and sell it not. We should pay attention to wisdom. Jesus is the epitome of wisdom. We need to seek the wisdom in prayers, and also in fellowship.