[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 5:1-4″ display=”HEBREWS 5:1-4″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:28-30 ” display=”ROMANS 8:28-30 “]
Since we are walking in the order of a High Priest -Jesus, we also must be priests in our own rights. The operations of the priests are patterned after the High Priest. A priest is characterized by compassion in making atonement for men, reconciling them with God. Priesthood is about having compassion on the ignorant and showing them that they are out of the way. Every apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher requires compassion to be effective in his duties. As people who are compassed with infirmities, we have to identify with the infirmities of our brethren. Jesus came to the earth and lived like every normal man so that He could be qualified to represent us.
Jesus made a one-off sacrifice for us in dying on the cross. However, he continues to make sacrifice for us by advocating for us on the right hand of the father thereby atoning for our souls and making remittance for our infirmities. Priesthood is a calling, it is not an honour that a man takes unto himself. Priesthood is not limited to the five-fold ministers alone, it is for everybody who has been called unto righteousness.
[biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 3:2-7″ display=”EPHESIANS 3:2-7″]; [biblegateway passage=”I SAMUEL 1:1″ display=”I SAMUEL 1:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”EZEKIEL 45:15-17 ” display=”EZEKIEL 45:15-17 “]
The grace of God is not for a secluded group of people. God raised Paul and graced him so that he could reach out to the gentiles thereby making them fellow-heirs and ministers of the same grace. Eli came from the lineage of Aaron but because of the high-handedness of his sons, Hophni and Phinehas, he lost the priesthood to Samuel, an Ephraimite. This shows that God is not a respecter of persons. The basic responsibility of a priest is to perform sacred or hallowed actions. They take man to God and take God to man, that is, reconciliation.
Reconciliation is not only in the place of evangelism. It can also take place in the area of intercession and speaking words that can recalibrate men. Priests’ duties lie in mediation and reconciliation.
[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 7:5-7″ display=”HEBREWS 7:5-7″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 CORINTHIANS 5:18,19 ” display=”2 CORINTHIANS 5:18,19 “]
Abraham had promises from God but he was able to recognize a Priest that could shower him with blessings. Abraham paid a tithe of all he had to Melchizedek thereby covenanting his lineage Divine priesthood. Melchizedek had the blessing; he was in a position to utter the blessings of God upon Abraham. In the same way, we have been blessed as believers to be light and salt in the earth bringing down God’s blessings upon the earth. That is our calling as priests. God has reconciled us to Himself by Christ and he has given us the ministry of reconciliation. We all have to brace up for this ministry and discharge it with all we have got.