
23RD JANUARY, 2022

Minister: Pastor Bola Bello

Text: Genesis 41:29-35

Witnesses are very important in all that we do, especially when God is asking us to tread new paths. Church is a place of information; a place where we learn the things God is doing on the surface of the Earth. God has never done things without revealing them to His people. The Church is a place of instruction, it is a place of light, it is a place where we understand the workings of God.
There is going to be supply in the time of famine and crisis. God has made the Church a place of supply to the world and it is important that we begin to position ourselves to train men in order to lay hold on that which is to come. A famine that we have never seen before is coming on the surface of the Earth and there is a need for us to prepare for it.
Genesis 41:28
Pharaoh’s dream was doubly confirmed to show that it would surely come to pass. In the same vein, we have a confirmation today that we have to get prepared for what is to come.
We must hold on to God and depend on Him so as to gather all instructions coming from Him because those are the things that will help us to escape the coming famine. The day of general economic declination is near. As such, it is important we begin to ask God for the specific things He wants us to do.
The supply curve in terms of money, social amenities and food is going to slow down again the world over. Africa shall become a place of refuge to those who claim to be world powers; they will have to give up their pride and honour. The hard currencies of the world will be defaced and another currency shall emerge. God is coming to judge the world; He is coming to raise the standard.
Revelation 6:5
The oil, the wine and the anointed ones are the ones who have taken refuge in Christ. God is going to make provision for the Church but we must be ready; we must know what to do so as to be able to escape that which is to come like the Israelites in Goshen. The famine to come is not about the rapture. Believers must be like the sons of Issachar; they must know and understand what to do in order to escape the coming famine.
2 Corinthians 9:5
The administration of our services will be a clue for escape. The service is beyond our service in Church though it is a part of it. God needs to place upon our hearts, new services. We will be a source of supply because God is going to open our eyes to new streams.
Your service is a seed but a seed is not enough for the coming days. A single seed cannot suffice in the current pandemic. Our services will be shields that bring harvests unto us; tiny seeds will not be enough. We must learn not to sow sparingly so as to reap bountifully and abundantly.
Isaiah 54:2
You must be strengthened and encouraged and daily build up so as to add up to your skills and profession. We must ensure we stabilize our tents.
This is the season where we need to bring Christ into every sphere of influence in which we find ourselves. God is looking for bountiful sowers not those that will sow sparingly.
We need to be inventive and innovative as we seek to add more to our seeds. The time has come for us Africans not to depend on the West, they also need help.

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