Text: 2 Peter 1:1-12

Preacher: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu

Many live their lives like a flag on a pole, moved in different directions and never stable because the air keeps blowing.  Henceforth, we have to be intentional about how we interact with the power of the kingdom since we have been given everything that we need for life and godliness.

A blissful life is connected to our relationship with God. The power of the Kingdom is knowledge-activated. We need to know and enforce what has been freely given us. The power of the Kingdom is also voice-activated. If you have been saved, healed and delivered from oppression, say it! Declare the things you have been given for life and godliness even if it does not yet manifest (Psalm 107:1-3). You have to keep declaring what God says over your circumstances. Never should you accept what is not of God as normal. Many quote scriptures today but do not engage with those scriptures consciously. When you declare God’s word, it should be done consciously.

Acts 12:1-11

Probably James would not have been killed if the believers took his arrest seriously. Do not take anything for granted. Do not give room for learned helplessness. Do not own anything or condition that is not God’s will for your life. Once you become conscious of life, you must leave nothing to chance in your daily life, in every area of life (family, ministry, career, etc.), at every stage of life (choosing a course, choosing a spouse, child birth, midlife, old age, etc.). Pray and speak into the future, then plan based on the promptings you receive from God. Say only what you mean and mean what you say even if you are joking.

Acts 7:37

Moses prophesied the coming of the Messiah but the Jews who believe so much in the same Moses couldn’t see it (Deuteronomy 18:15,18). The power of the kingdom cannot be potent in us if we do not see what God is saying both in the Scripture and through the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

Some desires can deprive us of living full lives. When we have limiting desires, we may end up in heaven but we would not live fruitful lives. Most often, we are not conscious of these thought patterns. As such, we need to always audit our thoughts and actions intentionally. Most of our Christian experiences are ‘crumbs experiences’.

The power of the kingdom can manifest in our bodies

  • At 85, Caleb remained as strong as he was at 40 (Joshua 14:6-11)
  • Peter’s shadow healed the sick (Acts 5:15,16).
  • Paul’s handkerchief healed the sick (Acts 19:11,12).
  • A venomous snake could not harm Paul (Acts 28:3-6).
  • John the Beloved survived numerous deadly treatments.
  • We can live free of sicknesses, diseases, menstrual pain, pregnancy troubles, etc.
  • We can age gracefully.

These are some of the scriptures I have intentionally engaged over the years; Deuteronomy 28:13, Psalm 121:6, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 54:17,Luke 10:19

Final Word

Don’t just drift through life; don’t resign to fate; actively engage God’s power for a glorious and exemplary life.

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