Luke 4 recorded how Jesus was baptised and led into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. After the temptation, He returned in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14-20). The power of the Kingdom is the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything Jesus did was done based on the power of the Holy Ghost (Luke 4:31-37). Paul also testified of himself saying all he did was a result of the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13-19).

Wherever the Holy Spirit is, the power of the Kingdom will be evident. Without the Kingdom, there can be no power. In the same vein, without the Holy Spirit the Kingdom cannot exist (Acts 1:8). As believers, the presence of the Holy Ghost in us is enough to grant us liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Stephen, in Acts 6:5,8 demonstrated the power of the Kingdom. Wherever the Holy Ghost is with His power in demonstration, we should expect signs and wonders. We cannot establish the Kingdom agenda without the power of the Kingdom.

When we are full of the Holy Spirit, we will be full of power. Stephen was said to be full of faith and the Holy Spirit and He was able to do exceptional things. We cannot establish anything of kingdom value in the absence of the Holy Spirit who gives us kingdom power.

Zechariah’s experience in Zechariah 4:6 further established that nothing that concerns the Kingdom can be done by physical power except by the power of the Holy Ghost which is the power of the Kingdom. Acts 1:8 and Luke 24:59 are also quite instructive about this fact.

The power of the Kingdom is also meant for the advancement of the Kingdom. This is the reason we have been anointed as believers.

The power of the Kingdom produces righteousness, joy, peace, love, calmness and truth (Romans 14:17). The power also comes with sound mind.

Examples of people who demonstrated the power of the Kingdom

  • Jesus remains our standard in everything (Matthew 9:35; Matthew 4:23-25; Mark 10:38)
  • The Apostles
  • Peter who was a coward before Jesus’ crucifixion became bold enough to declare the gospel after he received the power in Acts 2.
  • Paul’s handkerchief was capable of healing the sick. His experience with Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 13:8-12 is a demonstration of the power of the Kingdom.
  • Stephen, full of faith and the Holy Spirit demonstrated the power of the Kingdom so much.

These experiences should build faith in us to do even more. As believers, the power is in us but if we do not lay demand on it, we may not express it as much as we desire. We are never powerless, it is our problem if we do not manifest the power of the Kingdom.

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