“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me”

John 15:26

The mandate of the believers is actually bigger than our capacity. To baptize people means to colonize people. If we don’t understand the mandate, we’ll pursue another agenda. The problem of colonizing the world is formidable and intense as that we are like grasshoppers. The mandate for us it to take the nations and not win few souls. Nobody has any right to change the goal post that has been set. The mandate is truly bigger than our capacity.

Professional soldiers does not surrender in battle, but unfortunately believers at any slight opportunity drops their towel, that attitude is wrong. The church has mentally entered a frame of mind. God needs to change our mental attitude. Our environment has given us a wrong mindset, whoever is going to the promise land must be up against serious warfare. God’s mandate for us is more important than our personal need. The nature of our calling is that our mandate must be accomplished.

We need a change of mindset. We are a product of the westerners’ relentless pursuit. We are supposed to take the pursuit from there and fulfill or mandate. Our understanding of certain Words in the bible have also altered our mindset. The Holy Ghost as a comforter is to propel the believers. The Holy Ghost is not a consoler, he is to drive us. If church messages are going to make us grow, the messages needs to change.

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Our mandate carries a territorial mandate. We have only limited the manifestation of the Holy Ghost to tongue speaking meanwhile there are nine manifestations, this is the “Dunamis” (force). Why everyman is not profiting is because they do not believe.

If we are going to produce faithful and effective witnesses they must be people that carry full manifestations of the Holy Ghost. We are not needful enough. And not wanting the manifestations is limiting the Holy Ghost. If we are going to be a witness we need the “Dunamis” (power) to carry the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. It is until you step out before you see the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. The purpose of the fivefold ministry it to equip the believers to do the work of ministry. We must return to the order of the New Testament.

Paul was not preaching on how to make money, the pulpit is dedicated to God. God wants to raise men who will carry his mandate and finish it, anything opposing that, is anti-Christ operation. The church must return to the place of power.

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The will of God is mandate for the church, we have infirmities one of these infirmities is ignorance. We should visit our foundations again and check our prayer points. Personal prayer points won’t change the situations of the present church. The reason for the death of Jesus on the cross was to allow the coming of the Holy Ghost. We need to re-examine our foundations.

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