Faith – Pastor Dele Olubi

JANUARY 10TH, 2023

Minister: Pastor Dele Olubi

Text: Hebrews 4:13

There are certain things that we consider small but culminate into big things. One such thing is faith. If we must come into the fullness of Christ, we cannot do without it. It is a necessity in our personal development. We have been called to live a life of faith.

Hebrews 4:13; 6:1; 11:1-6
While faith has been interpreted differently by different people, it is a principle that we must learn if we must grow into the fullness of Christ. One of the things we must come to terms with is the fact that faith did not originate from man, rather, it originated from God. Ephesians 2:8 demonstrates how God gave faith to men as a gift. Faith is exclusively God’s property. Thus, it must be anchored on Christ.

Sometimes, it may look like our faith is not working but know one thing: God cares for you and will always show up. When nothing happens, it must mean that we have little or no faith. Meanwhile, the seed of faith has been planted in us when we believed however, if we do not exercise it, it will not yield results.

Although there are different expressions of faith, faith toward God goes beyond asking for our daily bread. It entails an intentional walk with God. In this walk, we will encounter strange and risky circumstances such that we will fall if our faith is not strong in Him. Our faith in God will assure us of God’s word such that when men come with their ideas, we can discern them. This only comes when we meditate and study the word of God.

Faith is also a platform for relationships. We believe in Christ through faith and we have a relationship with Him and the Father. According to Psalm 80:18, God planted faith in us. As discussed in Hebrews 6:1-2, certain truths must be settled in us as believers. One of these truths is the faith of the son of God as discussed by Paul in Galatians 2:20; Philippians 2:6-8; Hebrews 11:1-8; 12:1-2.

Faith can and should be expressed. Thus, when we have great faith, it means greater responsibility. Faith is not handled in the abstract; it comes with evidence. However, care needs to be taken so that we do not rate the evidence of our faith over our walk with God. Humans tend to be driven by evidence. When the world sees you are producing a faith-based result, they may idolize you which can be dangerous. This is why Christ laid for us an example to follow. He is the author and the finisher of our faith yet, He endured the cross, despised the shame, and now, is set at the right hand of God. He went through all these just so that faith can be built in us (Hebrews 12: 1-5).

Thus, by faith, our stories will be written. However, it is important to go through the curriculum Christ provided for us to live the life of faith even if we don’t see things happening. Faith is not a one-off thing; we grow in faith and our experiences should reflect it. Sometimes, however, these experiences may not be open for the public to see. Nonetheless, the word of God sustains us and helps us to thrive in our journey of faith. Remember, in any circumstance; either good or bad, God requires your faith. Hold on to Him in the place of prayer, trust Him and He will do it.

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