Pastor Sola Ogidan
Resurrection implies freedom. The reason why Jesus could resurrect from the dead was because the natural could no longer hold Him down. He was no longer confined by space or time, nothing could limit Him anymore and He became free. So, the season of the resurrection of Jesus is a season of freedom and victory for us as sons of God.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not something that hopes for tomorrow but that which hopes for now.
What things/benefits have the resurrection of Jesus brought to us?
One of the first benefits we have by the reason of His resurrection is our Sonship; we being children of God. Until Jesus died and was raised from the dead, He couldn’t give the spiritual life to men. The Holy Ghost could not move in to bring about salvation until Jesus was raised from the dead. The first fall out from His resurrection was that we are now saved. [biblegateway passage=”Romans 10: 8 – 9″ display=”Romans 10: 8 – 9″] If the point of being saved is actually connected to his resurrection, then, the resurrection was what opened the door to salvation. Until he was raised from the dead, no-one could be saved.
Another portal that was opened to us as a result of His resurrection, after that we are saved and born again, was the reception of the Holy Ghost. [biblegateway passage=”John 16: 7-8″ display=”John 16: 7-8″], [biblegateway passage=”John 7: 37 – 39″ display=”John 7: 37 – 39″]. Jesus was not glorified until after His resurrection and the Holy Ghost was not yet given before then. ([biblegateway passage=”John 17: 1, 5″ display=”John 17: 1, 5″], [biblegateway passage=”Philippians 2: 9″ display=”Philippians 2: 9″]). The Jesus that walked on the face of the earth operated in the glory that Adam had. When He died and resurrected, He began to operate in the fullness of the glory of the Father. The presence of the Holy Ghost on the earth is evidence that Jesus has been glorified; if Jesus had not yet been glorified, the Holy Ghost would not have come. It is the Holy Ghost that makes it possible for us to have faith in God. Without the Holy Ghost, no man can get saved.
[biblegateway passage=”Ephesians 4: 7 – 12″ display=”Ephesians 4: 7 – 12″] What we call ministry gifts today is an implication of His resurrection. When He died, He descended but when He rose, He ascended. The entire work of the ministry is actually hanging on His resurrection. [biblegateway passage=”Psalms 68: 17 – 18″ display=”Psalms 68: 17 – 18″]. There are gifts that Jesus received from the Father when He ascended that He gave to men. The five-fold ministry could not have been if Christ did not rise. If we are going to be fully formed, there has to be a joint effort of the five ministry gifts. We should not allow ourselves to be hindered in any way from been made by these gifts.
[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 15: 12 – 20″ display=”1 Corinthians 15: 12 – 20″] The resurrection of the dead is something that is not negotiable. There is hope beyond the present world. The foundation of this hope must not be destroyed, else, we will only live a miserable life. If the whole preaching of Christ is centred on this life alone, we are only been made miserable. [biblegateway passage=”1 Peter 1: 3″ display=”1 Peter 1: 3″] The reward for our faith in God is not heaven, heaven is only a store. The real inheritance is only stored in heaven.