Pastor Mrs. Bola Osanyinbi

It is very common for many of us to consider holiness from the outward point of view, but after a continuous walk with the Lord, I have come to understand that holiness is much more than dressing and outward appearances; rather it is a lifestyle and flows from a relationship with the Father.

From the foundation of the world, we have been prepared and ordained to be holy. All we need do is to key into this programme (2Timothy 1:9).

Leviticus 20:26

Holiness talks about severance and separation unto the Lord. The purpose of Holiness is to serve the desire of God, that is for us to be God’s own and not part of the generations that waste away. To the end that we might have a relationship with the Lord and we can learn of Him, know Him and do His will.

2 Corinthians 5:17

The desire of the Lord is for us to proceed forth from the life of darkness into a new life. 1Pet.2:9 also makes us know that we have been called out of the world unto holiness.

1 Peter 1:15-16; Matthew 5:48;

Holiness emphasizes separation and being as God. Holiness is the nature of God. There is no way we would talk about holiness and not talk about perfection.

It is important to know that we cannot advance on this journey without a relationship with the Lord. A good analogy is a fruit-bearing vine. If a branch is not connected to the vine, it cannot bring forth fruit. It will naturally waste away and die.

Hebrews 12: 14 says that without holiness no man can see the Lord. Jesus, in his walk on earth, said that what he sees his father do, that is what he does. The emphasis here is a walk with the Lord, a relationship with Him.

Ephesians 2:1-3

There is a need for us to follow the Lord rather than what we have been used to in the past. The past suggests so many things to us that we need to leave behind.

Holiness also talks about yielding ourselves unto the Lord, a surrendering. The church needs to come into the understanding that we, His people have been called into Holiness.

Romans 12:1; Exodus 28:29; 1 Peter 2:24

There was an engraving that was done on the golden plate placed on Aaron’s head and whenever the Lord saw it, he sees the children of Israel as His own. Christ died on our behalf so that we can come unto Him as holy people.

Holiness is not by our works, it is remaining in the accomplishment of Christ’s death. We cannot come unto the Father if we don’t present ourselves holy. We are not supposed to be conformed to this world, as this is the only way we can be acceptable unto God.

The Hebrew men in Babylon made up their mind to separate themselves from others. They denied themselves of the king’s meat.

Ephesians 4:24-26; Colossians 3:1-3

Scripture instructs us to put on the new man which was created after righteousness and true holiness and this involves us not giving place to the devil.

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