Coming to God

18th October, 2020

Text: Hebrew 7:23-25

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

To declare the miraculous, we must be sure we are standing in the counsel of God. Jesus would not do anything for us except we come to Him, though He has the ability and the power to save us to the uttermost. So there must be a conscious effort on our part to bring our hearts to Him.

 Matthew 9:20 – 22

The woman with the issue of blood was so certain that if she could touch the garment of Jesus, she was surely going to be whole and it was on this premise that she approached Him. Many people equally touched Jesus’s garment and nothing happened because they did not touch Him with a sense of purpose. There’s always a need to take a step of faith so as to receive our healing or needs. The testimonies that we have heard about Him should be sufficient for us to reach out in faith.


Matthew 9: 28 -30

There are problems in life that we need God to intervene, but we must come to Him and believe that He has the power to intervene. If these men did not have faith, their eyes would not have been opened.

There were only four times that Jesus acted in His sovereignty to heal people. Every other time had to do with men actively engaging him before they could be healed because Jesus responds to deliberate actions (faith) and not emotions. Until we step out, we would not know what we carry and can express. We have to be deliberate to even activate the gifts of God in us.


Matthew 15: 25 – 28

The woman in the above scriptural passage did not lose focus despite Jesus’s initial response to her. She could have turned back and chosen not to ever request anything from Him again but she did not. She was still determined and pleaded her case before Him. But much more than pleading her case was the level of faith she exercised in the response she gave. This of course got her what she came for because Jesus was impressed with her faith.


That we prayed yesterday without getting an answer does not mean we should not pray today. We should not be weary, tired or discouraged in coming to Him because God does not get tired of us coming to Him.

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