Akungba Diorthosis- Manifestation of the Spirit – Day 1 (Message 1)

Pastor Dele Olubi

[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 12:1-11″ display=”1 Corinthians 12:1-11″]

Spiritual gifts have been given to the church and for a reason. It is truly important to seek the giver than the gifts but God asks that we earnestly covet these gifts. These gifts are not just for church leaders but for every member of God’s family. These gifts are abilities that come as a result of the operations of the Holy Ghost in a man’s life and should also be present in your life. The workings of these gifts are in response to the Holy Ghost in your life and not dependent on how long you have stayed in the church. It is dependent on how available you are. When you got born again, the Holy Ghost came into you to serve as an umpire for peace in your life.

By the Holy Ghost in you, you are recognised as the child of God. The Holy Ghost is a guarantee that the work that God has started in your life, He will finish. God wanted to commit himself, so he did not just send us His son, he also gave His Spirit. Genesis 1:2 – In the Old Testament, God’s commitment was by His breathe but in the New Testament, God’s commitment was by His Spirit. God releasing His Spirit is putting a part of Himself in you. The presence of the Holy Ghost makes you connected to God as an expression of the Holy Ghost. There is another expression of God that comes with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. [biblegateway passage=”John 7:37-38″ display=”John 7:37-38″]

The Holy Ghost in your life is a sign of sonship. In [biblegateway passage=”John 4:14 ” display=”John 4:14″] the Holy Spirit was described as a well but in John 7:37 He does not just remain a well but flows out of your belly as rivers of living water. John 7:39 – When He flows out like a river, you become a blessing to others. You need to know the Holy Ghost, He is not a thing, He is God. He is the same thing that the father and the son are. When we please Him, He gives His gifts to us because they are our rights as children. God still needs people to use, He wants to send you to nations and it is by the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost.

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