[biblegateway passage=”LUKE 14:28″ display=”LUKE 14:28″][biblegateway passage=”2 PETER 1:1-3″ display=”2 PETER 1:1-3″]
Sonship has its own peculiar challenges. It comes at great cost to anyone who pursues it. As such, we have to count the cost before embarking on the journey to sonship. Faith does not negate facts, it only superimposes a superior fact over another fact. For instance, when you are feeling sick, you can enforce the promise of healing by acting healed. That way, you superimpose the fact that you have been healed by faith over the fact that you are feeling seek in your body.
There will not be grace and peace without the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. If the world understands the importance of knowledge in their civilizations, we must also understand the place of knowledge in our pursuit of God. The knowledge of God allows us to appreciate His promises. There is no need we have that is not covered by one promise of God or the other.
[biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 2:1″ display=”EPHESIANS 2:1″][biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:10-14″ display=”ROMANS 8:10-14″]
[biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 15:55″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 15:55″]
In the New Testament, we have exceeding great and precious promises which are better than the great promises of the Old Testament. The Old Testament promises are designed for our comfort while the New Testament promises are designed for our ultimate deliverance. These New Testament promises help us to escape the moral decadence in the world. We are enemies of God in our mind because of moral decadence which ultimately manifest in our bodies.
The Spirit is life because it doesn’t die. The body is dead because of sin; it is dead because of moral decay. Men die because of sin. Men sin because of the law of sin that is in operation in them. If the Spirit of God that raised up Jesus dwells in us, God who raised up Jesus shall also quicken our mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in us. If we must access sonship, we must be quickened by the Spirit of God. That quickening can only take place if we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. There is no sonship without immortality. Even Satan has no access to immortality. We must not be a church that is ignorant and full of moral decadence.
The ultimate work of the Holy Spirit is not to give anointing for ministry; it is the administration of immortality. In the beginning, Adam subjected humanity to the hope of resurrection and immortality.
[biblegateway passage=”2 PETER 1:4″ display=”2 PETER 1:4″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 JOHN 2:16″ display=”1 JOHN 2:16″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:5″ display=”ROMANS 8:5″]
The Divine Nature helps us to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. Lust is what drives the world system. The world is full of what the gentiles seek; all these make them numb and insensitive to God. The manifestation of lust is darkness. Darkness is the shadow of death. It is the covering of death. As such, the end of lust is death. The acquisition of the Divine Nature makes us stand tall over and above corruption. That shows that lust is losing its group over our souls. The Divine Nature continues to free us from lust until we become sons.
The rate at which we escape corruption is determined by the rate at which we are yielded to the dealings of God. You cannot love the world and love God; you will be a prostitute.
As the Holy Spirit continually leads us, we keep escaping lust until we are totally free to become sons. The more we invest in spiritual things, the more we escape corruption. When we keep investing in the flesh, death is imminent ultimately. Minding the things of the flesh is giving our time to them. If care is not taken, we can live a whole day without sowing to the Spirit. We can get so carried away by various distractions that we lose grip of the Spirit.
[biblegateway passage=”COLOSSIANS 3:1-3″ display=”COLOSSIANS 3:1-3″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 11:1″ display=”HEBREWS 11:1″]
We can be risen with Christ without seeking the things which are above. Every man is a seeker, the gentiles seek pleasure while we seek heavenly things. Our seeking presupposes that we have a target. We must consciously seek God so that we can become like Him. That is sonship.
Faith is the substance, the realization of things expected. If there is no expectation, there is no seeking. Enoch sought God for a whole 300 years because he had the hope of immortality and he got just that. He went about his daily businesses seeking for how he could bypass death. That expectation produced just what he wanted.
Hungering and thirsting for righteousness are required for us to be filled and this process has to continue until no fault is found in us. We have to keep seeking God until we become like Him. That is when we can be called sons. We are saved when we get born again; we are being saved when we allow the word of God and the Holy Spirit to operate upon our lives; we get finally saved when we come into sonship having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. The New Birth is not enough; we have to keep subjecting ourselves to God’s dealings until we become sons.